Franklin Falls

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My new friend, Doris, invited me to a hike with two other people I had never met. I jumped at the chance, of course, and we began our journey out early. We were moseying to the trail head when out of no where the road was completely blocked with snow. Our only option was to get out and walk to the trailhead. We had to walk about a mile to the trail head. The road/trail was way snowier than we expected. I did not dress appropriately for this and am slowly learning my lesson with proper clothing choices. I also should have brought my new Yak Trax's as there were some really slippery spots along the way. We got to the waterfall, finally, and it was so beautiful. We didn't stay long because it was really cold and windy down there! On our way there we saw one group of people that didn't go all the way to the falls because of the snow. On our way back we saw probably 30 people heading to the trail. I love early hikes with minimal people. This is the way to do it people. Overall a day of snow adventures, magical snow covered trees, a beautiful waterfall and 3 new friends.