Lake 22

We left for the hike by 9 and got to the trail head by 10:15. Learning to leave earlier and earlier for hikes as small parking lots fill up crazy fast. We put on our packs and hit the trail. It started with some easy incline for over a mile. With snow melting up the mountain, the whole trail was basically a river. Time to put the Oboz hiking boots to the test. At some points there were full on water falls to cross, but nothing impassable. We got to a clearing on the trail that turned to all very steep rock. This part was more difficult to get through and around fallen trees. Another half mile or so and we finally reached the lake. Leading to the lake was compact, slippery snow. We are learning more and more what gear we need by when we don't have the correct gear. Spikes would have been really great for this hike on the snow. We did have our trekking poles with that helped a lot. The lake was just another world, something you have to see with your own eyes to really capture the beauty of it. Snow covered mountains, a frozen lake and peace transcended the air. We hung out in the middle of the lake for awhile having a snack and savoring the beauty. We made our way down the mountain with the whole trip taking about 3 hours. Lake 22 will need to be a winter hike norm. IMG_6846IMG_6867IMG_6868IMG_6870IMG_6875IMG_6892IMG_6899IMG_6901IMG_6904 (1)IMG_6928IMG_6931IMG_6939IMG_6833